A lunch flyer is of great importance when it comes to publicity and advertising your existing or new restaurant. It contains useful information about the lunch facility provided as well as the location of your restaurant. Since several restaurants provide lunch facilities for working people, it is important to design a lunch flyer that can attract more potential customers who would come to your restaurant and avail of this facility.
To capture the favor of your customers, one of the most effective welcome gestures of the restaurants is to offer discounts on various food items as well as offering free beverages or food. You can mention your discounted or free food items in the flyer to make your flyer stand out in the crowd.
The main thing to keep in mind when designing a lunch flyer is to select many clear photographs of the food that is being offered by the restaurant in the lunch menu. Also, it is important to include the pricing information of those food items in the flyer as well as any discount or extra service you are offering on the lunch facility.
Moreover, if you are planning to arrange a family lunch, you can use a lunch flyer to invite your family and/or friends. All you need to do is choose attractive images for the flyer to make it more appealing and interesting. Also, do include the date and venue as well as your contact details.
Here is a preview of this Lunch Flyer Template created using Microsoft Word,
Here is the download link for this Lunch Flyer Template,
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Lunch Flyers
However, there are some common mistakes that a lot of people usually make when designing lunch flyers. It is important to avoid them because they can greatly affect the way you want it to be delivered. These mistakes along with their solutions are as follows:
- Using the wrong font and including too much information. Generally, people don’t read stuff, especially if it is in small font and long paragraphs. Keep it brief, clear yet easily readable, and simple to follow. Always keep white space in the flyer. It not only makes it easier to read but also makes it more attractive.
- Choosing inapt colors and images. Use the design or images that best represent the food items you are offering in a lunch. Also, colors that clash too much and go over the top can ruin all of your efforts in creating a good lunch flyer. In short, selecting suitable images or pictures for a lunch flyer is as important as selecting the right font to highlight your message. Therefore, choose them carefully.
- Forgetting the most important things. You might be excited to finalize and take out prints of your lunch flyer so that you can start distributing them, but unless you include the date, time, location of your restaurant, and contact details, nobody will come there. Therefore, make sure to include the necessary information in it.
- Following the above guidelines and avoiding common mistakes will surely help you in getting the desired results from your lunch flyer.