New Listing Flyer Template

A flyer is a good marketing tool for making sales and promoting your real estate business. A new listing flyer can be used to invite interested people to contact and visit your place to see the new listing at a specific date and time. A good new listing flyer provides a clear real estate view.

Before designing a new listing flyer, you need to identify your target market. This is important because different groups of people have different needs. Understanding their requirements and creating the flyer accordingly can greatly help in increasing their interest.

Secondly, consider using different real photos, pictures, or images of the property from different angles or different places. Use the best and most attractive photos and images that could not only showcase the highlights of the real estate but also attract your targeted market.

Thirdly, when writing the content of the flyer, keep it short and write it in an informative way. Apart from including the address of the real estate and easy-to-follow directions on how to get there, you must also include a detailed visual schedule. Also, do include all the amenities and features of the estate.

After creating and printing out flyers, it’s time to let the public see it. There are many ways to do so, for example, handing them out, distributing your flyers outside cinemas or shopping malls, displaying them on your car window, hanging them up in your area, or getting permission to place a few of them in local grocery shops or a supermarket.

Here is a preview of this New Listing Flyer Template created using Microsoft Word,

New Listing Flyer

However, there are some common mistakes that a lot of people usually make when advertising real estate through new listing flyers. It is important to avoid them because they can greatly affect your real estate business. These mistakes along with their solutions are as follows:

  • Including too much information. Generally, people don’t read stuff, especially if it is in small font and long paragraphs. Keep it brief, clear yet easily readable, and simple to follow. Always keep white space in the flyer. It not only makes it easier to read but also makes it more attractive.
  • Choosing inapt colors and images. Colors that clash too much and go over the top can ruin all of your efforts to emerge as a successful real estate businessman. Moreover, choosing appropriate and real photos for the new listing flyer is as important as selecting the right words to convey your message effectively. Your selected image or images should best represent the information provided in your new listing flyer.
  • Forgetting the most important things. You might be excited to finalize and take out prints of your new listing flyer so that you can start distributing them, but unless you include your contact details, your email, mobile number, business phone number, and the location of your real estate company, nobody will come there or nobody will contact you. Therefore, make sure to include the necessary information in it.
  • Following the above guidelines and avoiding common mistakes will help you in getting the desired results from your new listing flyer.

Here is the download link for this New Listing Flyer Template,
download template